Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Sports Hall. (GCSEs are here again…)

Doesn't time fly? I can hardly believe that once more a querulous cohort of GCSE students are being ushered begrudgingly into sports halls up and down the country with the weight and expectations of their parents resting heavy upon their slender adolescent shoulders. I remember only vaguely at this vantage point my own GCSE experiences, … Continue reading Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the Sports Hall. (GCSEs are here again…)

School Inspector befouls school running track.

Very rarely do I have what anyone might reasonably describe as a good news story to report when it comes to education, which is why when I woke to this morning's news I was thunderstruck. I still can't entirely work out the why of it all but I knew that this was something very special … Continue reading School Inspector befouls school running track.

New article published by Teachwire.

Hello, bloggy peeps, despite going quiet for a few days I'm back with aplomb - a lovely new article that's just gone live on Teachwire.net all about careers, it's a bit combative but that only reflects my frustration so bear with it. https://www.teachwire.net/news/careers-education-in-schools-is-stuck-in-the-past-and-is-failing-students