It’s good to talk. Texting less so.

Whilst it is easy for people of my generation to soften the edges of our own schooling, misremembering them as a halcyon time when Dvorak's New World symphony was the soundtrack to innocent skylarking, things have inalterably changed. I'm no luddite but the ubiquity of technology has had a profound and I believe ultimately damaging … Continue reading It’s good to talk. Texting less so.

The great grade garage sale is back in the news again! 1st class degrees easier to get than a 3rd.

There's something tremendously reassuring about going to a beach, the predictable ebb and flow of the waves crashing on the shoreline, the rise and fall of the sun. Everything is orderly and happens just as it ought, with almost metronomic precision. Where that calculable cosiness starts to become problematic is in education where year after … Continue reading The great grade garage sale is back in the news again! 1st class degrees easier to get than a 3rd.

As the old saying goes – If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it’s probably institutional race bias. How Oxbridge aren’t helping themselves.

The last few weeks has seen the by now annual upswell in righteous frustration at the seemingly ingrained racial prejudice that haunts the dreaming spires of our elite universities. Oxford and Cambridge are under the cosh again for having a somewhat less favourable racial profile than other universities, indeed some colleges at Cambridge admitted either … Continue reading As the old saying goes – If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it’s probably institutional race bias. How Oxbridge aren’t helping themselves.